Thursday, March 8, 2007

A walk, a walk they took us for a walk...

Randy and I are the first to admit we don't take Doc an Honey for enough walks, so when we do there is a lot of excitement. Last night we all went for a walk, and just as expected there was much running and jumping even before the collars and leashes went on.

Doc couldn't be happier to go for a walk, he thinks about all the trees and posts he gets to leave his mark on and oh boy he's in puppy heaven. Honey, she just likes to get out of the yard. She'd prefer to do it alone, but that is a rather dangerous past time, so we don't endulge her.

We were only out about half an hour, which according to Doc an Honey is just not long enough. We only walk around the school yards near our house, so it's not far enough either. There really wasn't that much to see on this walk. Eventhough it was early and the evening was warm no one was out. this dissappointed both Doc and Honey since they like to meet new people all the time. The only problem with spring walking is the puddles. Chows would rather not get wet event their paws. Doc kept pushing me over to keep his paws dry.

While we were out Didi stayed in the house. With her heart condition the doctor asked us not to walk her anymore, so instead of making her jealous we leave her in the house.

Well that all for today. Chow for now.

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