Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring for a Chow

Spring brings a host of new problems for our Chows. The biggest of which is the amount of water that's everywhere. I have it on the highest authority that Chow Chows do not like water. Let me repeat that CHOW CHOWS DO NOT LIKE WATER!. Right now because the weather is warm and the snow is melting Didi, Honey and Doc are fighting for dry spaces to lay down. Over the winter Randy replaced some carpet and threw some pieces outside. Two of those pieces of old carpet are the favorite places of Didi and Honey. Doc has to lay on the back step.

For now the three Chows are happy that the weather is warmer. Everything is better when its warm. Didi would, however, like it if the spring crazies that seem to be afflicting both Doc and Honey would just be done already. They run around the yard as fast as they can, and don't watch for anything. Sometimes Didi gets in the way and gets banged into. She's forever barking at them to slow down

That's it for today. Chow for now


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